Romblon National Institute of Technology supports the Violence Against Women– Free Community by participating in the worldwide 18-Day Campaign through a symposium with the theme “VAW-Free Community Starts With Me” last December 12, 2016 held at the Food and Beverage Services Hall of Romblon National Institute of Technology. This is observed annually from November 25 to December 12 to raise awareness that VAW is a human rights violation. The 16 days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence addresses that VAW is a public issue of national concern and our goal is to protect the human rights of women and its everyone’s’ commitment to address all forms of VAW. The Philippine government has participated in this worldwide event with the following national legal mandates; Proclamation 1172 series 2002 declaring November 25 to December 12 as the 18 day campaign to end VAW. and Republic Act 10398 (2013) declaring November 25 as National Consciousness Day for Elimination of VAWC.

The program was spearheaded by OIC– Vocational School Administrator Elna Baldea together with the faculty, staff and trainees from different program qualification of the institution. The resource speaker of the symposium is P02 Charry Merano, Women’s Desk Officer of the Philippine National Police Alcantara Chapter. P02 Merano talked about the reality and rates of women and children being abused and experiencing physical, sexual, psychological and economic violence. She also discussed  what we can do in order to avoid such violence which is starting with ourselves.

The faculty and staff also wore orange shirts as the designated color for the said event. The speaker was handed a certificate of appreciation by the OIC– VSA and VIS– Designate Flordeliza Cajilig.

Every one has their right. A right that must be respected. It is everyone’s responsibility to see to it that these rights are being followed as well as not abused.

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